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Abi Attree
Mindset Coach and EFT Master Practitioner

Are you a survivor of domestic abuse? Are you tired of feeling held back by your past trauma? Do you find your belief in yourself has diminished due to your experiences, the shell of who you used to be?  

Imagine how it would feel if you could truly release yourself from the chains of trauma and dissolve any negative thoughts and beliefs that you have about yourself and your life that are holding you back. Imagine the freedom you would gain? Sounds good, right?

I can partner with you where we work together as a team to truly master your mindset, which is the foundations to elevate your life. Mastering your mindset is the key that unlocks all the doors, and opens up infinite opportunities. As a certified Mindset Coach I will coach you through my Mindset Mastery Programme, where we will uncover your conscious and subconscious blocks and use NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques to transform and release them. Like a phoenix, you can rise from the ashes and use your trauma and experiences as a catalyst for profound change. Mindset Mastery can liberate every aspect of your life, including relationships, career, health and so much more.

Built into my Mindset Mastery programme is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) which is an exceptional energy shifting tool. When we experience trauma, this can block our energy system. By tapping on specific meridian points on the body we shift blockages and allow the energy to flow freely through our system. By working on our minds and energy systems we are paving the way forward to truly elevating our lives. As an EFT Master Practitioner, I incorporate EFT into each of my coaching sessions but I can do stand alone intensive EFT breakthrough sessions also.

If you’d like to work together or know more, please do get in contact for a free 45-minute discovery call. Feel free to check out my programmes and packages page for more info.

I can’t wait to be a part of your journey where you transform possibilities into reality and to FREEDOM!

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